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Case Study: Introduced Email Automation To Bring In Customers In Their Sleep.


  • This customer was limited on staff to follow up with customer request. They also heavily depended on return customers but did not have a game plan to acquire new customers, or the resources to expand their sales force. This is a reoccurring issue we hear with many businesses, “we don’t have the budget, but we need to grow”. Our plan was to systematize their sales process and implement the latest tools, like CRM’s and email marketing to help their team do more and bring in more customer.
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  • The first part was to define their sales process and get everyone to agree to follow as the standard procedure. Then we made sure we hit every avenue that made sense and properly set up the channels (i.e., are they implementing social media, do they have products listed online, etc.). We also implemented all the necessary tools to make try to automate as many tasks as possible. This freed up the sales team to spend more time with customers and less time doing clerical tasks.


  • By the time we were done, we had generated sales scripts, email templates, automated as many of the processes as possible, and mapped the entire territory to identify all the potential targets they could go after. The sales team was able to implement within a few weeks and get in front of new customers without waiting for someone to come to them and they were spreading brand awareness while they were prospecting.


  • Many businesses still rely on business cards, spreadsheets, and word-of-mouth for their sales and marketing. Reputation and return customers are critical, but to grow a business you need to keep building new relationships and continue to nurture existing. This can be overwhelming for a small sales team, luckily many of the processes can be automated or at least combined in one place.
  • This type of sales process optimization can be done for virtually any business, including long established businesses. If you feel you might not be taking full advantage of your sales team, contact us today for a consultation. Sales@InfinitySks.com

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