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Case Study: Penetrate Horizontal Markets To Scale Fast


  • Worked with Aerospace component manufacturer for aircraft turbines to look at other ways to grow and scale their business. They had tapped all the potential customers in that area or were already in the process of pursuing. We worked together to determined that many of their capabilities and components were interchangeable with the requirements of ground turbines (i.e., hydro-electric generators). With this information we set off to target the ground turbine market to help grow the overall business.
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  • We used the companies experience and equipment that was already capable of manufacturing Aerospace spec components and translated that to the Ground Turbine industry. This included a marketing plan with email on-boarding and maximizing tool to take full advantage of their limited sales team.


  • We acquired a new customer within the first 3 months of the campaign, which resulted in $365,000 in growth for the first year and a five-year long-term-agreement for $563,540 a year. The company continued to explore the market.


  • The goal was to increase profits when they though they had explored every option. We were able to find ways to pivot their capabilities to target a new market without changing anything or adding any other cost. By identifying where their capabilities fit in, we went full force after a new market.
  • This type of market penetration can be done to virtually any manufacturing business including long established businesses. If you are creative and look at your strengths, you can always find new markets to penetrate or new products to develop to make more money faster! Contact us today for a consultation. Sales@InfinitySks.com

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