
006 – Don’t leave the toilet seat up!

Design Kitchen – “Inspiration for Innovation” http://designkitchen.org/
General Outline – Welcome to episode 6 of Design Kitchen with Angel and Steven, where we provide inspiration for innovation.

Send us your ideas. Whether you have an idea that you want to produce yourself, or think it would be cool to see someone bring it to life. If you want to keep it 1-on-1, or let everyone hear about it, we are here for you.

Current Events / Topics:
Product Market: https://www.thegrommet.com/
How we make stuff now – Jules Pieri

Idea Updates:
S: Knife project updates
A: past idea update: paint roller, spray + squeegee? Friction activated steady stream

Ideas of the week:
S: Easy toilet seat lifter
A: Fretboard Buddy – lighted keys with app.
Have College students do it.
Entrepreneur clubs?
Government grants

General Outline – Welcome to episode 5 of Design Kitchen with Angel and Steven, where we provide inspiration for innovation.
Send us your ideas. Whether you have an idea that you want to produce yourself, or think it would be cool to see someone bring it to life. If you want to keep it 1-on-1, or let everyone hear about it, we are here for you.

A: Computer Chair design – universal. , standing bike

Ideas of the week.
S: Garden hose in line water heater
A: Kyser Survival – (suite of products, cargo carrier, niche)
A: individual machine gym sanitizing,

We are here to make engineering fun to inspire future generations, connect ideas to action, and offer support for anyone who is looking to kick off the next products of their dreams.

Send us your ideas. Whether you have an idea that you want to produce yourself or think it would be cool to see someone bring it to life. If you want to keep it 1-on-1, or let everyone hear about it, we are here for you.

Check out more helpful tips on “The Weekly 5 Blog”.

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