I agree with various points that WFH is not a one-size-fits-all model because each industry functions differently (i.e. manufacturing plants and restaurants need people to be there. Sales and accounting do not).
I think most would agree that the previous work model was made to drain your life force and shove you in a box to pump productivity out of you. Work culture is made to isolate you from the things and people you love, your home, your pets, and stick you in a heavily controlled prison for 1/3 of your day until they’re done draining you and dump you whenever they feel like it.
Jobs could at least offer flexibility, time off without making you beg and feel guilty about it, babysitting so you can pop in on your kids during a break, or bring your pet and at least feel a sense of your humanity when seeing your dog sleep peacefully under your desk. How could we ever trade that grey cubicle for being able to wake up and work in your home you’re paying for, and knowing your family is just outside your home office? Being done with work and simply walking into the kitchen for dinner rather than commuting?
The businesses that don’t adapt are going to be disrupted and wiped out. If productivity is an issue, why not change the pay model to a task/performance model where people can work all day or night if they want as long as the tasks are done? If they want to do more work, let them and pay them for it. Why are we giving our best years to a corporate vampire who has no loyalty to us and will drop us at the moment they see a better way. For example, we can outsource most clerical/programming jobs to India and there goes everyone.
Another example is AI. Some professionals are stating that most white-collar jobs (sales, doctors, lawyers, etc.) will be eliminated in the next 10 years with AI. Infinity Skies Corp is developing a software tool that automates starting a business and performs the majority of the tasks a business development and marketing professional would do, but 1000 times faster. This will allow a company to eliminate whole sales and marketing teams only requiring a few people to manage it; on the flip side, it allows all those people you just fired to launch an entire business in one afternoon and become your competition and give back power to the people.
The final thought is that jobs have been treating employees like property. People got a glimpse of freedom and it allowed them to realign with their priorities (health, family). Now the corporations are trying to take that away again and send us back to an even more uncertain work world to risk everything for them until AI and outsourcing can fully replace us.
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