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The Rigged System – Why Staying in the Workforce Keeps You Stagnant [Part 2]

Escape the Wage Trap: How Engineers and Professionals Can Build Their Own Business Step-by-Step

Stagnation Is Not a Coincidence – It’s by Design

If you’ve ever felt like you’re working harder and longer, only to see your paycheck remain the same or even lose ground to inflation, you’re not alone. For engineers, professionals, and salespeople like Jake, it can feel like no matter how much effort you put into your job, you’re stuck in a cycle of stagnation. But here’s the hard truth: this stagnation isn’t random—it’s part of a system designed to keep you in place.

The wage gap is growing, remote work is being taken away, and the tax system is rigged against you. If you don’t break free now, you might find yourself in the same position years from now—wondering where all that hard work got you. Let’s explore why the current system keeps you stuck and what you can do about it.

Rising Wage Inequality: The Data Shows You’re Getting Left Behind

One of the most glaring signs of the rigged system is the growing wage inequality. Over the past few decades, workers have been producing more than ever, but their wages haven’t kept pace with the rising cost of living. In fact, CEO pay has increased exponentially, while employee wages have largely stagnated. In 2023, for example, the average CEO compensation in the U.S. was 351 times greater than that of the average worker (Economic Policy Institute). This is a far cry from the 20:1 ratio seen in 1965.

The more you work, the more you help the system. But who’s benefiting from your increased productivity? Not you. The system has been engineered to maximize profit for the few, while leaving the vast majority of workers behind. Your financial future is being dictated by a system that is built to keep you in place. This isn’t by accident—this is the result of choices made long ago. The gap is widening, and if you stay in the workforce, you’ll likely find yourself further left behind as time goes on.

Remote Work and the Battle for Autonomy

One of the few perks that modern workers had left in recent years was the ability to work from home. Remote work has proven to increase productivity, offer greater work-life balance, and lower stress. However, despite all evidence to the contrary, many companies are pushing to force employees back into the office.

Take Amazon as an example. Despite data showing that remote work increases productivity, the company has mandated that workers return to the office, citing “company culture” and “innovation” as justifications. Tech giants like Google and Apple have also rolled back remote work policies, even when evidence showed that workers were just as efficient, if not more so, working from home.

Why would companies demand workers return to the office when efficiency remains the same, or even improves? The answer lies in control. The system is designed to hold onto control over workers’ time and autonomy. You’re being told that remote work is less effective, but the data suggests otherwise. Could it be that your company just wants to maintain control over your work environment, even at the expense of productivity?

If you want autonomy and the ability to truly control your time, the corporate world is not the place for you. You can break free from this battle for control by creating your own business—one where you get to set the rules and work from anywhere you choose.

The Tax Trap: How the System Keeps You From Building Wealth

One of the most frustrating aspects of the modern workforce is the way workers are taxed. Employees are taxed at higher rates compared to business owners and self-employed individuals. The current tax system is structured to benefit the wealthy, leaving those who are employed in a perpetual state of financial struggle.

While business owners can deduct expenses, reinvest profits, and take advantage of other tax benefits, employees face much higher tax rates on their income. This disparity is designed to keep wealth in the hands of the few—those who own businesses—while workers continue to be taxed heavily on their wages.

The current system benefits the rich, and it’s leaving you behind. But the good news is that you don’t have to stay trapped in this cycle. Starting your own business opens up opportunities to take advantage of tax benefits that aren’t available to employees. You can deduct business expenses, invest in assets that appreciate over time, and take control of your financial future.

Debt and Consumerism: The Cycle That Keeps You Spinning

Many professionals feel stuck because of debt. Whether it’s student loans, mortgages, or credit card debt, the average worker is carrying a heavy financial burden. The system encourages consumerism, leading individuals to rack up debt in order to maintain a certain lifestyle, even though they don’t have the income to support it.

This financial pressure keeps many professionals in jobs they dislike because they need the steady paycheck to stay afloat. However, this cycle is designed to keep you dependent on a regular paycheck to service your debt. As long as you are relying on a job to pay off debt, the system has won.

How many years are you willing to keep working just to stay afloat? There’s another way. Starting your own business can help you break free from the cycle of debt. With a business, you can start building assets that generate income, rather than simply paying off liabilities. It’s time to take control of your financial future and stop letting debt dictate your choices.

Why Staying in the System Is a Choice

The reality is, staying in the workforce and relying on a paycheck is a choice—one that keeps you stuck. You’re working harder than ever, yet your pay isn’t increasing, you have no control over your time, and your wealth is trapped in a system that favors the rich.

You can stay in the system and continue to let it control your life, or you can take control. What’s stopping you from taking that first step toward starting your own business? The road to financial freedom and personal fulfillment is within your grasp. But it’s up to you to make the decision to break free.

Break Free from the Rigged System

The system is rigged. Wage inequality, the battle for autonomy, unfair tax structures, and the debt cycle are all traps designed to keep you in place. But you don’t have to stay there. Starting your own business isn’t just a way out—it’s the path to true financial freedom, autonomy, and a life on your terms.

It’s time to make a change. Take that first step toward breaking free from the workforce and building a life where you control your time, your income, and your future.

Are you ready to take control? The choice is yours.

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