5 Science-Based Tips That Will Blast Sales Through The Roof

How does science play into sales? You use it to understand how humans work and how technology can make you more money. Some companies will sell you only sales training, which is key if you have a team, but there is so much more to growing a business. There are several factors to making a sale.

Below are 5 tips to help you capture using sales using science:

TIP #1 – Sell the Results

To sell a product, you need to sell the results of a product. The customer wants to see how the product works for them. Use visuals to allow the customers to see themselves using the product. If you only describe what the details and specifications, they have a gap to connect how they will use the product.

If you’re selling air conditioning, talk about how they’re going to enjoy a movie with their family in the perfect temperature. If you’re looking for weight loss, would you be more excited when you see amazing results from people like you? It would strengthen the belief that if you buy then you can do the same. Showcase before and after results. For example, fitness trainers use “before” and “after” pictures and videos to inspire their clients. If your offer services, programs, online course, etc., showcase your product’s benefit helping people. The same applies to products and tutorials. If you’ve been searching for a Business Development training program and you came across the before & after results would you want to know more?

TIP #2 – Use solid research and data

People aren’t looking for your service (or your product, or your program). They’re looking for results.

If your product helped a customer increase sales or productivity by XX%. You can use that metric to win more clients. Number and data-based information strengthens their belief in making that purchase.

Start your conversations with how your product adds value. If your product can help someone do what a high-level employee do in 3 months in 1 at a fraction of the price, lead with that. It’s your competitive advantage.

TIP #3 – Use Ads To Generate Leadsf

The main platforms generate Ads are Facebook ads than Google Ads. Paid ads in Google are apart from the actual search results. Here’s what Google says:

As you can see, Google sells advertising on its search engine, but it delivers the most relevant, valuable, and helpful search results in its organic listings. Site owners can neither pay to stay at the top of the search results pages, nor manipulate their rankings (at least, not for long).

Therefore, it is important to take care of your SEO and online presence.

TIP #4 – Learn How Google Ranks You to Create Trust

Google search results analyze who links to a website and how relevant the content is to the search. Their results reflect what online communities believe is important. Use informative content and blogs to build more authority.

TIP #5 – The Science Of Persuasion

Learn the people. Some logic can go back to basics.

  • Establishing credibility to help clients build their image of you.
  • Appealing to emotion show how you are going to be their friend and make their goals come true.
  • Appeal to their logic to close the argument. That means to have to deliver a good service and show them why.

Some psychological rules further analyze social influence. For example:

  • Principle of reciprocity: Provide targets with a free trial or sample. This creates a quid-pro-quo interaction with the customer which creates a want to buy.
  • Principle of scarcity: Since deals are temporary, this psychological programming will cause customers to regret if they don’t take advantage now.

This might not sound very authentic, but that depends on how you use this information. To make it in the long run you want customers to come back. Persuasion requires you to implement the techniques from the opening to the close of your sale. Your persuasion should be authentic, NOT manipulative.

Check out more helpful tips on “The Weekly 5 Blog”.

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Tip #6: Contact Us Now!

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